Causes of PR bleeding

Fresh PR bleed:
  • Diverticulitis
  • Benign and malignant tumour
  • Haemarrhoids
  • anal fissure
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Angiodysplasia
  • Trauma
  • Coagulopathy
  • massive upper GI bleed
  • Non PR bleeding - mensturation, haematuria. 

  • Gastric ulcer
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Mallory weiss tear
  • Gastritis
  • Benign and malignant tumour
  • Oesophageal varicies
  • Merkel's diverticulum
  • Dark stools without blood - iron tablets
Ellis H, Calne R, Watson C, Lecture notes - General Surgery, 11th Ed., Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2006
SurgWiki, Haematemasis and Malaena, [online] available from: [accessed:20/10/2014]


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