
Showing posts from February, 2012

What's cancer?

Although initially this seems like a simple question, the term is actually quite difficult to define. Cancer usually refers to an abnormal invasive growth of tissues that is uncoordinated with the function of surrounding tissues caused by genetical changes. It is also commonly used to describe the disease which is caused by these growths. The word cancer actually originates from the greek for crab, Hippocrates was the first to use this word to describe cancerous growths due to the finger like growths cancerous cells cause.  Cancer describes a particular type of abnormal growth of tissues, however many terms commonly used in describing cancers are not necessarily synonymous, this includes words such as;  Tumours  Neoplasia carcinoma There are also many types of abnormal growths which may not necessarily be cancer;  Hyperplasia Hypertrophy Dysplasia Benign neoplasia Malignant neoplasia So what are the differences between these terms? How do we define what is a benig

Retro what?

Anteversion and Retroversion Refers to position of the whole organ. The uterus is considered anteverted if the lower portion of it (cervix) lies towards the front, and retroverted if it inclines posteriorly.  Anteflexion and Retroflexion Refers to the shape of the organ, a anteflexed uterus is bent forwards at the junction between the cervix and the body, whereas a retroflexed uterus is bent backwards.  The uterus may be both Anteverted and retroflexed or retroverted and anteflexed or anteverted and anteflexed or retroverted and retroflexed.  More about the female genitalia here