
Showing posts from December, 2017

Antibiotic mechanisms and indications

The mechanisms and uses for several groups or antibiotics are described below but resistance and preferred antibiotic choices may vary between local regions and hospital. Please refer to these when considering antibiotic choice for different infections. Antibiotic group Mechanism Indications Examples Side effects and contra-indications Penicillins (Benzylpenicillin, phenoxy-methylpenicillin)   Binds to penicillin binding protiens and inhibits the last stage of cell wall synthesis causing cell lysis. Narrow spectrum – effective against streptococcus (e.g. group A strep, strep pneumonia, s.viridans) Occaisionally effective against non penicillinase producing staphylococcus. Aminoglycosides can be added synergistically against Group B strep, s viridans and enterococcus faecalis. Respiratory infections. Syphilis. Anaphylaxis/ hypersensitivity B lactamase resistant penicillins: flucloxa