
Showing posts from May, 2015

Prescribing notes

When thinking about prescribing it can be difficult to know which side effects and contraindications are important to remember. I have therefore compiled a list of common things to look out for when prescribing (which is by no means exhaustive/complete). Common or noteworthy drug side effects and contraindications:  Tramadol increases seizure risk in patients with epilepsy, and patients on SSRIs, MOAIs and Tricylic antidepressants. They also increase the risk of Seretonin syndrome with SSRIs. Do not give B blockers and  calcium channel blockers mainly targeting the heart (verapamil, diltiazem) together as this can cause bradycardia and arrhythmias. Avoid B blockers in asthmatics. NSAIDS may also cause bronchospasm and should be avoided if an asthmatic patient has not used NSAIDs before or is symptomatic. NSAIDs also cause irritation to the stomach lining and should be avoided/given cautiously in patients with a history of GI bleeding, peptic/duodenal ulcers and dyspepsia Av