
Showing posts from April, 2011

Bones of the skull

Bones of the skull There are 8 cranial bones (surrounding the cranial cavity containing the brain ): Frontal Sphenoid ethmoid parietal (2) temporal (2) occipital and 14 facial bones: maxilla (2) mandible nasal (2) vomer inferior nasal conchae(2) lacrimal (2) palatine (2) zygomatic(2)

anterior abdominal wall

Abdominal muscles  Transversus abdominis Rectus abdominis Internal oblique  External oblique The rectus abdominis is surrounded by a aponeuroses  - tendinous sheets- called the sheath of the rectus abdominis. These extend from the other three muscles of the abdomen. The flat abdominal muslces (transversus abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique) arise from the lateral sides of the abdomen and its tendons join at the midline forming a line of fibrous tissue called the linea alba .   The fibres of the external oblique rolls inwards between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubis forming the inguinal ligament .  The abdominal muscles compress the abdomen during expiration, urination and defecation and help maintain posture.  S ophie's fat C at S at I n between E lite IT T echies E ating P opcorn.  [Skin,(fat)Camper's fascia, Scrapa's fascia, Investing fascia (between), External oblique, Internal oblique, Transversus abdom

Calcium regulation

When calcium is low: The parathyroid gland secretes parathyroid hormone Parathyroid hormone increases osteoclast activity and more calcium and phosphate is released into the blood stream from the bone.  Parathyroid hormone also increases secretion of phosphates by the kidneys, and also increases calcium reabsorption.  This causes an instant increase in serum calcium levels.  Parathyroid hormone also works on the kidney to increase the rate of vitamin D activation. Activated vitamin D (calcitriol) is needed for calcium absorption.  Increased calcitriol levels increase the absorption of calcium from the terminal ileum of the small intestines.  This leads to an increase in serum calcium and restores the total amount of calcium in the body in the long term. calcitriol also increases bone sensitivity to parathyroid hormone further increasing amount of calcium in blood.  The parathyroid glands are sensitive to changes in serum calcium, therefore when calcium levels are raised s

two anatomical terms.

rostral 1. Resembling a beak or rostrum 2. Towards the rostrum or beak (oral nasal region) ala derived from latin for wing. used to describe wing like anatomical structures, especially bones.